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CINEA LunchTime Session

On September 9th, PAsCAL participated in the EU Lunchtime Session "Do we trust self-driving cars? Social acceptance of automated mobility" organised for EU staff .

After an overview of Automated transport and CCAM objectives and overall landscape introduced by CINEA, the coordinators of the 4 EU funded projects, Drive2theFuture, PAsCAL, SUAAVE and Trustonomy presented the preliminary results of their projects. 

Each from a different perspective, the 4 project focus on peoples' reactions - e.g. drivers, passengers, pedestrians, other drivers... on board and around an autonomous vehicle, trying to identify what factors influence their reactions e.g. education/training, automation level, traffic scenario...and which are the most likely issues to be addressed. A very lively and interesting Q&A session closed the day.

The presentation is available in attachment of this news.

Related file(s):

CINEA_LunchTime_Session_09092021.pdf (5.89 MB)
