Over a 19-month period (September 2020 - March 2022), PAsCAL pilots five innovative Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) systems, in order to validate the consortium's research efforts in a number of trials in the real world. The consortium carefully reviews each of the five solutions tested in order to further investigate the main factors that influence user acceptance of CAVs. By comparing the knowledge before and after the pilots, improvements in user acceptance are quantified to extrapolate recommendations for both governments and the automotive industry. However, due to the changed circumstances, it was necessary to radically modify one of the planned pilots. The Smart Emergency Responses pilot is not currently implementable, therefore PAsCAL has outlined the new Autonomous bus line pilot.
List of pilots
High-capacity autonomous bus operations
This pilot evaluates and tests the Volvo 7900 electric autonomous bus in Luxemburg and Sweden under normal day-to-day traffic conditions. In particular, passengers, drivers and other road users will give their feedback on their acceptance of the… -
Autonomous driving training
The pilot validates the project outcomes on capacity building & training education in a real CAV environment, namely the adequacy of the developed training modules for trainers, new drivers and professional drivers. The validation tests compare… -
Autonomous bus line
This pilot explores the acceptance of users and co-road users of a commercial bus line. The aim is to investigate in particular the perceived level of integration of the vehicle into a multimodal and connected transport network by passengers of the… -
Shared connected transport
This pilot explores the role of CAVs within commercial shared mobility businesses in close cooperation with Luxembourgian car-sharing operator moovee to explore the viability and profitability of the integration of CAVs into their offering. In… -
Experience of vulnerable travellers with connected transport environment
This pilot will explore the inclusivity- and safety needs of vulnerable passengers using CAVs. The Apertum platform will be tested in Madrid, Spain, which acts as a smart step-free routing algorithm for the local transportation network for people…