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Follow-up execution of Apertum pilot


The second pilot wave has successfully taken place in Madrid.

Following the first PAsCAL pilot on Connected Automated Vehicles (CAVs) last month, a second wave has been executed in Madrid. This time, the participants followed two different new scenarios in the public transportation system of Madrid, starting at Sainz de Baranda and Portazgo stations. As last time, the users consisted of a diverse group of people with disabilities, impairments or other mobility constraints (such as strollers or heavy luggage), testing the Apertum application. The service alerts users when certain accessibility criteria (such as working elevators, ramps or disabled parking) are not available at any given station and stop of the system. 

During each pilot wave, participants receive a prize for their time and feedback. On top, among each wave of testers one person is drawn by chance who receives an extra gift. This time, a member of FLM was the lucky recipient of a tablet.
In collaboration with the associations Nadiesolo (an association for the elderly),  Fundación Lesionado Medular (FLM, an association for quadriplegic people) and the University Alfonso X El Sabio (UAX), a total of 60 participants tested the service and gave their feedback in form of a questionnaire. The pilot and surveys have been created and executed by Etelätär Innovation.

