D7.2 Impact indicators
Commission approval ongoing.
The goal of WP7 is to assess the long-term impact of connected- and autonomous vehicles-related solutions developed in PAsCAL and to contribute to the structure of the Guide2Autonomy. D7.2 in this context provides an overview over indicators and methodologies that can be employed both within PAsCAL as well as beyond.
The document lists indicators that will measure progress in a variety of contexts and settings, across a variety of solutions and maturity levels. Primarily, CAV user-related acceptance indicators will be covered, strongly interrelated to the document structure in D7.1, where “willingness to use/adopt”, “willingness to pay”, “willingness to let others use” as well as “changes in mobility patterns” were concepts discussed for the main framework. These are supported by indicators targeting factors such as “perceived risk”, “perceived ease of use”, “perceived quality of travel”, “perceived usefulness”, general attitudes and ergonomic and human factors.
Beyond these, acceptance by road co-users such as pedestrians and bicyclists are discussed, and acceptance by other stakeholders such as local authorities, business and producers. A particular focus is laid on the needs and requirements of vulnerable user groups, and how their perspectives can be taken into consideration, including the availability of solutions to them, their adequacy in the context, accessibility and affordability, as well as social inclusion and of course human dignity and ethics.
Finally, the document takes a higher-level abstract perspective and considers indicators that should be measured for a society wide standpoint, such as changes in overall journey times, network capacity, transport mode shifts, impacts on safety and security overall, socioeconomic impacts, indicators for quality of life and public awareness, and the overall concept of public acceptance.
A wide range of academic and grey literature as well as previous EU grantsupported projects are taken into consideration to collect this overview of indicators, and where little previous research exists, new indicators are developed within PAsCAL.