D4.2 Guidelines and recommendations from simulations
PAsCAL is a user-centric research project aimed at accelerating the userfriendly evolution of connected, cooperative, and automated vehicles and transport systems, by addressing important issues relating to the role of humans in this evolution, in particular appropriate interactions of the autonomous vehicle with different road users including non-drivers. The difficulty to reproduce in reality safety-critical situations on the road, which involve highly automated vehicles, leads to the development of driving
simulators to be used as an interactive virtual reality tool for the human factors studies in the project.
This deliverable reports the findings of five simulation experiments ranging from professional driving simulation to home study kits, from drivers to pedestrians, and from road to air.
While these experiments have different settings, targeted users and levels of automation as described, they carry out several common tasks including:
- Correlate and analyse driver behaviour/reaction under different scenarios;
- Assess the acceptance of new interfaces integrated in the simulators, including information feedback and entertainment systems;
- Put forward recommendations describing ways to improve the CAVs design, so they will be useful and acceptable to future real users, and the future drivers’ trainings;
- Produce guidelines for WP6 pilot specifications (e.g., to design new use cases involving autonomous public transport and to define some variables which deserve to be tested in real conditions).